Please refer to this page for information about:

We will continue to update this page for clarity and completeness. 

Reporting misconduct

A single “front door” exists for reporting unprofessional or inappropriate behaviors via the Supporting a Fair Environment (SAFE) Reporting online portal.

With SAFE’s secure online portal, anyone in the WashU Medicine community, including those who witness the mistreatment of employees or learners, can report a concern, whether the incident occurred at WashU Medicine or one of our academic hospitals.

Other reporting resources:

The above reporting channels are not emergency services, and reports submitted through these channels may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your public emergency services.

Additional support

These confidential spaces exist outside of the reporting mechanisms to provide community members support in dealing with troubling workplace and learning environment situations:

  • The Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center (RSVP): The RSVP Center at WashU uses a public health model and trauma-informed practices, response and prevention education to address relationship and sexual violence.
  • The Offices of the Ombuds: The Offices of the Ombuds serve as confidential, independent and impartial resources that offer assistance in the informal resolution of university-related conflicts and advocate for fair treatment and process.
  • Student Health Services: The Student Health Services team provides students at WashU Medicine with efficient, accessible, high-quality medical care, without undue financial burden.
  • GME Wellness Counseling: Graduate Medical Education Wellness Counseling provides free and confidential services to residents and clinical fellows in the Washington University Medical School/Barnes Jewish Hospital/St. Louis Children’s Hospital Graduate Medical Education Consortium.
  • Work-Life Solutions: Work-Life Solutions, formerly known as Employee Assistance Program (EAP), offers free, confidential, 24-hour support, resources and information for employees and their families.
  • 24-hour immediate mental health support for students: NexGen provides confidential, professional assistance free to full-time enrolled students and their family members via text, call, an online portal, or the app.
  • Catalyst Member Resources: Catalyst is the external consulting group selected by the Executive Faculty Task Force on Climate and Culture to provide expert guidance and resources. Everyone with a email address may access Catalyst’s online materials, including research, learning programs and more.

Policies and procedures

  • Title IX Advisory Committee: Made up of faculty, students and staff from both the Danforth and Medical campuses, this committee provides regular feedback to the Provost and the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office about the Title IX process, policies and practices, and the university’s efforts in implementing this action plan.
  • Danforth Task Force on Climate and Culture: Similar to the School of Medicine’s Task Force on Climate and Culture, this task force examines the complex ecosystem of faculty mentors, advisors and mentees across Danforth Schools, reviews guidance and makes recommendations for improvements in this area.

Last updated Oct. 28, 2024